
3 reasons to invest in cybersecurity now

Only a well-protected business is a sustainable business. If your IT systems are not fortified against cyber threats, you're at serious risk of hazards like spoofing, phishing, data leakage, and identity theft.

An image with a lock and vault depicting cybersecurity importance for MIS Technology Group, a firm that offers IT services in Baton Rouge

By MIS Technology Group

3 min read

From phishing, ransomware, identity theft, compromising data leaks to DDos, SQL injections, and system hacks — cyber risks are becoming more challenging than they were ever before. Is your business ready to face these threats? 

According to the latest report by IBM, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was a whopping USD 4.45 million, calculated to be a 15% increase over the last three years. Cybersecurity has become an urgent priority for all businesses, in such a volatile environment.

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Contrary to common belief, strengthening your IT system is not just about protecting your business but also about enhancing your organization’s capabilities, increasing the effectiveness of your products, and building a healthier relationship with your customers. 

As we become increasingly dependent on the internet, we must learn to safeguard and protect our data from unpredictable attacks. Hyper-automation, cloud computing, serverless computing, and instant-retrieve options — help us achieve business goals more efficiently. But poor management of these facilities also puts us at great risk.


Standardized, one-size-fits-all IT solutions no longer get the job done when the nuances of every industry are so radically different. You need what floats your boat. An e-commerce company selling fashion products needs an extra level of support and expertise than a digital education platform for school students. Your IT strategy has to reflect your business values, priorities, and interests. Regardless of the size and sector, our experienced team at MIS Technology Group is always ready to help you meet your goals. 

We help you innovate safely:

If you're in the business of innovation, then you need a well-protected digital environment. Smart companies use IT systems not only to manage risk but also as a source of growth and speed. A healthy system of checks and balances will help you foresee and cultivate an environment of flexibility. A safe IT environment allows you to expand and grow profitably. On the other hand, ignoring cyber security risks will eventually lead to: 

#1 Stunted long-term growth
#2 Fragile business plans 
#3 Wobbly digital transformation


We enable you to futureproof your enterprise: 

A fragile IT landscape attracts malicious cyber attacks and puts you at severe risk of losing precious data. Acting on cybersecurity threats becomes even more important for you and your company when you’re focused on longevity. Sadly, as per CNBC, almost 41% of companies today in the country still overlook cybersecurity as an investment. Needless to say, this halts their transformation, weakens their digital progress, and reduces opportunities for real innovation. Great business ideas mostly lose their virility because of: 

#1 Pending cloud transformation
#2 Fragile operational technology
#3 Outdated cyber capabilities 


We prepare your business for every crisis: 

By building faster and more sophisticated responses in times of crisis, we help you manage cyber threats in a seamless and regulated fashion. Gone are the days when you have to sit and wait for an IT guy to help you while your business suffers in frustration. We help you get the job done!

Our reliable team creates an end-to-end process, a plan of action involving your business strategy, and ongoing operations to help realize your vision efficiently.

Choose MIS Technology Group

We help you go through the most critical parts of your business journey by realizing salient outcomes and focusing on technological expertise. It is our deep business knowledge and passion to create trust in a digital world that makes us different from others. We’re curious, creative, and patient — and ready to help you. We want to push the limits of what’s possible, for you and your business.

Reach out to us here.

Let Us Help You

MIS Technology Group specializes in the provision of high-quality, reliable, and affordable IT services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

See what we can do for your business.